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Is it possible to disconnect my built-in fridge condenser and extend the hot line 6 meters outside to connect it to an AC-style condenser or a passive cooling one?

Hello, people. Refrigerators in my country aren't effective because of the heat; they don't work efficiently without an AC in the room. I just realized that it doesn't make sense to have this heat generator in my house in this climate. I really want to move the condenser outside. The person who fixes fridges has agreed, but he is not skilled enough. I want to know if the compressor can handle this distance. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Bath6081
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Inverter vs non-inverter ACs. Which one should I pick?

Hi everyone! Im not sure this is the right place to ask this, but I'm planning to buy an AC and although I know what the main differences are, I still don't feel as well informed as I should to buy it.

One of my main doubts is whether the inverter one would only be a smart purchase if I were to use it for extended periods of time (say 4+ hours).

My intuition tells me the inverter one would ultimately cut down on the electricity bill but that doesn't mean it's going to be cheap but cheaper than If I used a non-inverter one.

So what would you say I should consider before making up my mind?

I read you!

submitted by /u/Unknowie
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How to manually adjust mini fridge temperature to higher than the factory limit

I have a minifridge that I am using for a project. I am using the refrigerator to cool a flowing loop of water and have the loop touching the cfc heat exchanger inside the fridge. I need to adjust to temperature to not be as cold as the lowest setting currently is. Right now with the temp at setting 0, I still get the water to 7 deg C. I would like to adjust it so the water can be set to stabilize at any temp in the range room temp (off) to 10 deg C.

does anyone know if its possible to manually adjust the fridges temp? I have some experience in electronics in case it can be digitally adjusted.

the mini fridge is a hamilton beach REFHB330WE

submitted by /u/Certain_Celery4098
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